Show your current college ID for half-price (or free!) admission during public ice skating every Tuesday evening 6:00pm – 9:00pm.
Every Tuesday during the ice skating season, ALL college students receive half price admission. Just show your current college ID at the entry booth.
Frog Pond also features local colleges with FREE ADMISSION. Different schools in the Boston area are featured every week! The schedule will be posted before the new season begins.
Bring your skates or rent a pair at Frog Pond. Have fun on the ice, work out your exam frustrations, and enjoy the greatest city in the world.
Remember to check out what the Frog Pond Café is serving. Who doesn’t want waffles and hot chocolate? Mac & Cheese and hot chocolate? Or grilled cheese and hot chocolate. Did we mention the awesome hot chocolate?
College Night is held during school breaks and vacations. Skate rental prices are not discounted.
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